Help Is On The Way


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Help Is On The Way

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Here's another song I wrote back in the 1980's and played live many times with my band. We made this recording in 1989 and got some radio plays on the BBC at the time. When dusting off the cobwebs from my archive I thought that despite its age, the production is pretty good and so here it is, expertly remastered by Pete Maher and now issued as a

Here's another song I wrote back in the 1980's and played live many times with my band. We made this recording in 1989 and got some radio plays on the BBC at the time. When dusting off the cobwebs from my archive I thought that despite its age, the production is pretty good and so here it is, expertly remastered by Pete Maher and now issued as a single in the digital domain, available for downloading here or streaming more or less everywhere.

Shamus Dark - vocal & acoustic guitar Byron Johnson - keyboards Peter Robey - violin David Whitney - bass guitar Anthony Nevill - drums Andy Dewar - percussion

Recorded in 1989 at Silent Music Studio, Rotherhithe, London and at Workshop 16 Studio, London

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